For more than 10 years, I worked on various machine learning projects for wave-based imaging across industry, academia and government institutions. More recently, I was a Research Fellow at the Wave Interaction and Propagation section, RF Payloads and Technology division of the European Space Agency (ESA) in ESTEC. In particular, I worked on Earth Observation missions for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and GNSS Reflectometry. Examples of projects include:

Before that, I was a Scientific Researcher at the Computational Imaging group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, working on ultrasound imaging for medical and non-destructive testing applications: [efficient sensing], [detection], [compression], [fusion].


Earlier, I completed a Ph.D. degree in physics (applied machine learning) at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge [thesis]. At the same institution, I was an Adjunct Lecturer in machine learning for two years [notes]. Before that, I completed a master's degree in Scientific Computing at the University of Cambridge and an undergraduate degree in Electronic and Information Engineering at Imperial College London.


More information about my research and teaching experience can be found at Publications and Teaching respectively.